How to get control of the company's finances, improve business processes and find resources for business development?
We help small- and mid-sized businesses to create an effective accounting system, legally minimize taxes, implement financial planning and maintain accounting with the greatest efficiency
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We will build a system approach to accounting and financial planning in your company
The best offer for comprehensive accounting for a successful business.
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You might have faced one of these situations
You have recently set up your business and handle the organization of accounting independently, since it is expensive to hire a full-time accountant
You had an excellent accountant, but he decided to pursue a career in another company or country and despite a lot of effort, you failed to find the same good one
You have an accountant, but his every vacation or sick leave brings chaos and confusion in the work of the business and causes your hair “to go grey”
Your business is growing and developing new directions, and your accountant has time and competencies just to work with the primary documentation and submit reports
You have seasonal fluctuations in work intensity and you have to keep 2 full-time accountants on the payroll, though one person is enough to cope with all tasks
You want to use the accounting results for business analysis, and your accountant claims that this is not his responsibility
One solution in different situations

Focus on growing your business. We will help you create a systematic approach to accounting and financial planning with the help of a team of professionals working for Afina Consulting. With us you will be 100% sure that your accountant will not fail and cope with the tasks your business is facing on the way to your goals.
We will analyze your processes and offer an optimal accounting and tax planning scheme, whereupon we will undertake comprehensive maintaining the accounting and personnel records, and you will be able to concentrate on business development.

Our services
For many years of continuous improvement, we have identified 4 products
for solving problems of small and mid-sized businesses
Comprehensive maintaining of accounting
We deal with all the issues of accounting and personnel records of your business
Outsourced Chief accountant
Your accountant works with the primary supporting documents, and we control, advise and submit all reports
HR record keeping and payroll calculation
We keep personnel records, calculate employees’ salaries in accordance with the law and submit all personnel reports
Reporting of private entrepreneur without employees
We close the issues of individual entrepreneurship on interaction with government agencies without maintaining accounting for business transactions
Why is it profitable to cooperate with "Afina Consulting"?
What advantages you can get, working with us
You reach your goals faster
Because your rear is securely closed by accounting professionals with expert knowledge from various business areas
You earn more
You direct all your energy to business development instead of studying the subtleties of accounting, organizing and controlling the work of an accountant
You quickly take business decisions based on financial information
We promptly prepare reports based on accounting data that reflect the real state of affairs
You save your money
On taxes and fines
On inefficient business processes
On the organization of work of an accountant - office, PC and software, training, organization of interchangeability
Peculiarities when working with us
A leading accountant, who deeply delves into the specifics of your business, and at the same time receives support from the team of accountants-experts of "Afina Consulting", works with you.
You will be able to set tasks for an accountant by e-mail or by phone and receive a prompt response, usually on the same day.
For prompt reflection in the account, you send us scanned copies of documents. Originals are taken by our courier; subsequently we check them and arrange them into folders. You get a folder back ready for any check.
After reflecting all business transactions, you get a summary of your activities for the month.
Why you can stay calm with us
Important facts about the "Afina Consulting"
We have been actively working since 2012,
serving more than 20
regular customers
Our employees have at least of 5 years
of experience in different business areas:
manufacturing, services, trade, IT
We are constantly developing, tracking
changes in legislation and
modern technologies.
Our processes are strictly scheduled,
we work well and harmoniously,
we promptly respond to all requests.
We are responsible for the fines
and charges, arising as a result
of our error
Our customers’ reviews you may want to read

Очень довольны качеством бухгалтерского и кадрового учёта, своевременной сдачей всех необходимых отчётов, а также предоставленными консультациями и поддержкой. С начала сотрудничества с “Афина Консалтинг” мы полностью достигли поставленные цели с гораздо меньшими трудозатратами и в более короткие сроки.


Нарешті ми можемо сказати, що впевнені в повному порядку в області бухгалтерії нашої компанії. Тепер ми можемо не відслідковувати ніяких дій зі складання, та подання звітів чи сплаті податків, а повністю зосередитися на більш важливих для нашого бізнесу питаннях.


Работаем с компанией “Афина Консалтинг” уже на протяжении нескольких лет, помогают нам с бухгалтерией и управленческим учётом. Мы очень довольны их работой, которую они делают оперативно и профессионально. Претензий к компании нет. Надеемся так будет и в дальнейшем. Желаем компании дальнейших успехов и процветания.

Our team
Take 4 steps to start collaboration
Fill out the application form or call us– we’ll schedule our first consultation
At the meeting we will conduct an express audit of your accounting system
Selection of a package of services
We will select the optimal package of services
Then we’ll sign the contract and begin our work

We will become your accounting and financial department

Still have questions? Contact!
Free consultation!
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If you have any questions, please, contact us.
03134, Kyiv,
13, Academician Korolev Ave, suite 307
Mo - Fr
9:00 - 17:00
Any questions left? Write to us!

By submitting data, I consent to the storage and processing of my personal data for the purpose of informing me about the services of "Afina Consulting"